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Human Pup - Zgardă de piele îngustă - alb/negru

Elegant, dar totuși un semn clar al supunerii tale absolute. Zgarda noastră de sclav alb/negru cu inel O este o ustensilă indispensabilă în orice relație BDSM.

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    Mai multe informații

    Elegant, dar totuși un semn clar al supunerii tale absolute. Zgarda noastră de sclav negru și alb cu inel O este un accesoriu indispensabil în orice relație BDSM.


    Colierul nostru de sclav elegant, cu lățimea de 2,5 cm, este fabricat din piele PU vegană de înaltă calitate și se mândrește cu un design sofisticat. Datorită unei catarame metalice, poate fi ajustat în 6 poziții și este extrem de confortabil de purtat. Este ideal pentru a fi purtat pe perioade lungi de timp. În partea centrală din față există un inel O care vă permite să jucați diverse jocuri bondage. Fie că este vorba de o frânghie de plumb sau de alte accesorii BDSM: faceți ce doriți cu subiectul dumneavoastră ....


    Mai multe detalii:


    • Zgardă de sclav cu inel O
    • Dimensiuni: 47 cm lungime x 2,5 cm lățime
    • Material: piele vegetală PU, metal
    • Ne plac cățeii! Ghidul de dresaj al cățelului uman este disponibil gratuit împreună cu acest produs!

    S-ar putea să te intereseze și acest lucru:



    Another fantastic collar from Meo

    The BDSM Dog Slave Collar is another fantastic collar from Meo. I love its high contrast look coupled with the oh so cute BAD PUPPY dog tag. This is a comfortable collar to wear for long periods of time, and it is one that could be worn as a fashion accessory when out clubbing.

    It is best used in a sub/dom scene though, and it is perfect for puppy play or any other BDSM session as well.

    I love the fact that Meo supplies it with a storage pouch and that it comes with a puppy posture guide to help anyone new to pup play to communicate effectively while in character. There is nothing not to like about this collar, and it is going to be treasured by sub 'r' who like me adores it. If you are looking for a comfortable new collar, you won't go wrong with this one.

    Read full review:

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    Fantastic collar that is great for extended periods of wear

    This was my first introduction to puppy play, and I loved it. Playing with a ball or a rag toy was a lot of fun and drinking from a bowl was similar to kitten play and lots of fun (I wish it were milk though instead of just water, kittens have it much better). This is such a comfortable collar that I enjoy wearing it for extended periods of time and the BAD PUPPY dog tag is fantastic, a lovely feature. I was blown away by the quality of the leather and the white leather is so soft and it gives this collar a very luxurious feel. This is great for puppy play and it is also a great play collar and I will be wearing it whenever I visit swingers clubs of BDSM munches and play parties. Another great product and one I will treasure for a long time to come.

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    Fantastic collar that is great for extended wear

    This was my first introduction to puppy play, and I loved it. Playing with a ball or a rag toy was a lot of fun and drinking from a bowl was similar to kitten play and lots of fun (I wish it were milk though instead of just water, kittens have it much better). This is such a comfortable collar that I enjoy wearing it for extended periods of time and the BAD PUPPY dog tag is fantastic, a lovely feature. I was blown away by the quality of the leather and the white leather is so soft and it gives this collar a very luxurious feel. This is great for puppy play and it is also a great play collar and I will be wearing it whenever I visit swingers clubs of BDSM munches and play parties. Another great product and one I will treasure for a long time to come.

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    Äußerst angenehm zu tragen

    Das Halsband ist wirklich sehr schön! Das Leder ist unheimlich weich und damit ist es wirklich äußerst angenehm zu tragen. Der Ring aus Edelstahl ist genau richtig von der Größe. Sehr gute Verarbeitung, und sehr ästhetisch. Da ich es eher schlicht und edel mag, war dieser Kauf ein echter Volltreffer! Klare Kaufempfehlung für dieses Halsband.

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    Human Pup - Zgardă de piele îngustă - alb/negru

    Human Pup - Zgardă de piele îngustă - alb/negru

    Elegant, dar totuși un semn clar al supunerii tale absolute. Zgarda noastră de sclav alb/negru cu inel O este o ustensilă indispensabilă în orice relație BDSM.

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