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Die Verarbeitung ist echt toll. Ich habe keine scharfen Ecken oder Kanten entdeckt. Mir persönlich war es sehr wichtig, dass da keine Verletzungsgefahr besteht. Schließlich kommt das Teil auch in empfindliche Regionen. Deshalb ist der Preis auch absolut top. Zudem ist es aus Metall und wiederverwendbar. Der Schraubmechanismus ist sehr einfach und bisher wurde auch nichts eingeklemmt.
It is incredibly comfy to wear. Me and my partner have both used it. The best feeling is when you both can sense what the other is going to do. I'm in love with this item!
We use it most of the time and have never got bored of using it. We love it. MEO rocks!
Solide et de bonne qualité, je suis satisfaite! Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion d'essayer c'est un cadeau aussi! (rire) étonné du prix si bas ! Je recommande
This is the most comfortable stretcher I've ever used for long term wear. I wear the Large one, and it fits snugly without my arse trying to eject it as longer plugs tend to do. I love the sensation of a permanent gape and I usually wear it 24/7, though I do have to be careful of "accidents"
MEOBOND cadeado eletrónico com medição de tempo para Bondage & C
O cadeado com medição de tempo digital MEOBOND liberta-te só depois de decorrido o tempo configurado. Permite Self Bondage sem fugas & seguro ou castidade com o tempo controlado. O nosso cadeado com medição de tempo MEOBOND esconde verdadeira high-tech no seu interior e deixa-se utilizar em quase todas as amarras de bondage ou também em cintos de castidade. Finalmente podes viver as tuas fantasias mais ousadas de self bondage e de castidade, por que o cadeado MEOBOND com medição de tempo deixa-se configurar ao minuto exato, a saber até um máximo de 100 horas. Todos sonharam com isto e MEOBOND tornou-o realidade! O cadeado com medição de tempo Erotik MEOBOND é muito fácil de utilizar e simples na aplicação, assegurando-te o que sempre sonhaste. Seguro contra evasão! O nosso cadeado aguenta uma força de tração de 130 quilogramas e torna perfeito o amarrar com algemas, amarras para os pés, barra de expansão com amarras para os pés, conjuntos de amarras, gaiolas de castidade, cintos de castidade, amordaçar e até com o nosso Plug anal final. Encontras-te, às vezes, sozinho e gostavas, não obstante, viver as tuas fantasias de Bondage? Tu, bem amarrado, perfeitamente amordaçado e amarrado, entregue já sem vontade própria? Este produto genial de MEO torna-o possível, de te amarrares a ti próprio e de te voltares a soltar só depois de passado um espaço de tempo à tua escolha (e sejamos sinceros: és tu quem melhor conhece as tuas fantasias com amarras e ninguém o faz tão bem como tu próprio!). Dá largas à tua fantasia com o cadeado com medição de tempo MEOBOND! Amarra-te no Dark-Room e fica eternamente exposto aos excitantes contactos dos outros ou amarra de manhã o teu parceiro antes de deixares a casa… Utiliza o MEOBOND nas nossas amarras com fecho ou cintos de castidade! Não há limites para as tuas fantasias – mas nunca esqueças: o nosso cadeado com medição de tempo MEOBOND não percebe “solta-me por favor”…
The first thing you notice about this harness is that it is surprisingly heavy. Doubtlessly due to the quality of the leather and fittings and that it has clearly bee built to last.
Initial fitting and adjustment is a little tricky and requires patience, but the harness has clearly been designed to fit a wide range of sizes.
The 50mm cock ring - excellent quality - is a little snug but can easily be swapped for a different size.
Once all adjustments had been made, the harness is extremely comfortable to wear for long periods.
Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable.
During my first and only bondage session, I was made to wear one of these and I instantly loved it, so I had to buy one for myself. It is a fantastic hood. Quite snug but this is a good thing, and it is very comfortable. Blocks out almost all light, and it's very breathable. Very happy with it!
There's something truly captivating about the name ANALGEDDON. Beyond its playful yet provocative allure, the name represents so much more to me. It evokes a sense of exciting exploration, hinting at an experience that's sure to be explosive and unforgettable.
The combination of "anal" and "armageddon" is nothing short of genius. "Armageddon" itself signifies an epic event, a powerful climax, and when combined with the realm of anal pleasure, it promises an adventure that is both intense and groundbreaking. Every time I use the ANALGEDDON dildo, I feel like I'm embarking on a journey where boundaries are tested and new heights of pleasure are discovered.
Furthermore, a name like ANALGEDDON shows a boldness and fearlessness. It's not just another toy, it's a statement. It's for those who aren't afraid to dive deep, push boundaries and revel in the intensity of the experience.
In a world of generic names and ordinary experiences, ANALGEDDON stands out, beckoning the brave and adventurous. It's more than a name; it's an invitation to an extraordinary realm of pleasure.
Von sechs oder sieben Keuschheitskäfigen, die ich schon an mir hatte, eindeutig der Beste. Er lässt sich auch vom Top blitzschnell anlegen, was gar nicht selbstverständlich ist. Man kann ihn außer unter sehr engen Hosen sehr lange tragen und er ist dabei recht angenehm ("Zu angenehmen soll es ja nicht sein", wie meine Königin immer sagt), aber wenn man eine Erektion bekommt, ist er doch sehr einschränkend, und wenn sie länger dauert, auch recht schmerzhaft, und das ganz ohne absichtlich angebrachte Dornen oder zufällig vorhandene scharfe Kanten. Und er sitzt zumindest bei mir bombenfest ohne Rutschen und Verdrehen