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E-Stim Mystim


PUBIC ENEMY NO 3 - E-stim chastity belt with testicle crusher - Mystim Electrosex

You have enjoyed your sexual freedoms for the longest time. With the Pubic Enemy No 3 electrifiable chastity belt, you will be appreciably restricted. In the penis cage with e-stim function and testicle crusher, your defiant cock and balls will be put under lock and key. It will only be allowed to get stiff if someone shows you mercy and opens the size-adjustable cell.



169,99 €

-20,00 €

149,99 €

plus shipping costs

In Stock


    You have enjoyed your sexual freedoms for the longest time. With the Pubic Enemy No 3 electrifiable chastity belt, you will be appreciably restricted. In the penis cage with e-stim function and testicle crusher, your defiant cock and balls will be put under lock and key. It will only be allowed to get stiff if someone shows you mercy and opens the size-adjustable cell.



    Of course, persistent impertinence must be punished. Entirely according to the desires of the person administering the punishment and the exact intensity that you deserve. With the conductive surfaces on the left and right sides of the cage, a gentle tingling, violent twitching or intense pulsing can be sent through the penis. Because the conductive surfaces can be releases in a jiffy, our e-stim chastity device is also suitable for wayward first-time offenders.


    Size adjustment

    The Pubic Enemy No 3 gives you significant confinement relief: Some of the joints and features make it flexible and allow you to wear it for a longer period of time. The length of the penis cage can be individually adjusted in five stages and the diameter of the clamp can be fixed at six different strengths. In addition to the main prisoners, your testicles will also be securely locked - the size-adjustable testicle crusher will show you who’s boss. And as if all that were not enough, the "Fang Gang" spacers also have evil spikes. Even harsher prison conditions, so to speak.


    Included in delivery

    In its elegant hard shell case, the Pubic Enemy No 3 and its accessories can be discreetly and securely stored away. In addition to the penis cage and conductive surfaces, the delivery also includes detained instructions in seven languages and the corresponding 2 millimetre long electrode cable for connecting it to the Mystim stimulation current device.


    Preventive detention

    No escape possible: A metal lock and a set of five plastic disposable seals will convict you immediately. And a stack of signs saying "Hands off! This prisoner belongs to -” is intended for forgetful subs... Stuffed into the clamp of the penis cage, everyone is reminded who the contents of the cage belong to.




    • Penis cage with optional e-stim function
    • Including testicle crusher, 3-way adjustable size
    • Including spacers with "teeth"
    • 5-way adjustable size
    • Delivery in the elegant hard case


    Technical details:


    • Type: E-stim penis cage / Electro Chastity Belt for men
    • Length 82 mm = 3.3"; using the 3 spacers provided, can be extended by 4 mm = 0.15" respectively
    • Inner diameter 34 mm = 1.3" at the entrance, 47 mm = 1.9" at the widest point
    • Inner diameter of the clamp can be adjusted to 6 levels from 33 mm to 52 mm = 1.3" to 2"
    • Plastic body with removable conductive surfaces made of medical grade silicone

    • 2 poles (bipolar)

    • Stylish hard case

    • Including spacers with "teeth"

    • Incl. metal lock with 2 keys, 5 plastic seals and 10 possession signs

    • Including electrode cables

    • Stimulation current device required


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    Leider ist das Plastik nicht gut verarbeitet und hält größerem „Druck“ kaum stand. Anatomisch ist mal wieder mein Hoden scheinbar zu klein, so dass das Teil für mich kaum nutzbar ist. Auch ist das Anlegen alles andere als erotisch - gleicht eher einem Playmobil Baukasten. Schade - hätte mir deutlich mehr erhofft.

    Und liebes Meo-Team, wann kommt endlich mal ein KG raus, den man auch mit den Zeitschlössern von euch verbinden kann?! In keinem KG Modell passt das Zeitschloss durch die Schlossöffnung - das kann doch nicht so schwer sein.


      Perfekt für längere Tragezeiten

      MEO's Keuschheitsgürtel ist absolut phantastisch. Mit unterschiedlichen Ringgrößen passt er für jeden Mann, bzw. Penis. Auch bei längerer Tragezeit sehr zu empfehlen, wenn man die für sich korrekte Ringgröße gefunden hat. Nach 7 Tagen Keuschhaltung immer noch keine Beschwerden verspürt, deswegen volle 5 Sterne.

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      Ich bin einfach nur sprachlos von den geilen Gefühlen!!!

      Zugegeben der Keuschheitsgürtel sieht schon echt extrem aus, aber die Wirkung spricht für sich ;)
      Wenn man aber dieses Hammer geile Gerät nicht nur als Keuschheitsgürtel hernimmt und gut drauf aufpasst, denke ich mal wird man ziemlich lange Freude daran haben.
      Ich bin einfach nur sprachlos von den geilen Gefühlen!!!

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      It exceeded my expectations!

      It exceeded my expectations! The ease of fitting the ring plus the electrostimulation is a shocking second plus. And comfortable to wear too.

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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      PUBIC ENEMY NO 3 - E-stim chastity belt with testicle crusher - Mystim Electrosex

      PUBIC ENEMY NO 3 - E-stim chastity belt with testicle crusher - Mystim Electrosex

      You have enjoyed your sexual freedoms for the longest time. With the Pubic Enemy No 3 electrifiable chastity belt, you will be appreciably restricted. In the penis cage with e-stim function and testicle crusher, your defiant cock and balls will be put under lock and key. It will only be allowed to get stiff if someone shows you mercy and opens the size-adjustable cell.

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