DomiMax™ - inspired by the historic nose rings worn by slaves in the past - stands for ultimate control and dominance in the modern BDSM world. This stunning accessory combines traditional elements with technical innovation, giving you the ability to literally lead your partner by the nose.
DomiMax™ by MEO - The modern nose ring for slaves
Being able to move around and present yourself in public with your slave is the ultimate for our more dominant customers. The DomiMax™ is not only a nose ring or an impressive piece of BDSM jewellery often used in the BDSM scene, but also a technical innovation that allows you to literally lead your partner by the nose. Whether it's to get your partner's head in a certain position or to increase control during a BDSM session, the DomiMax™ is the ideal BDSM sex toy to do it effectively.
How to use the DomiMax™
The DomiMax™ is extremely easy to use and very effective. The width of the shackle can be adjusted using an Allen screw (supplied). The two curved arms gently wrap around the nasal septum to provide a secure hold. The ingenious shape of the headpieces ensures that the septum is not pinched, providing a high level of comfort even when worn for long periods.
Technical details and features of the DomiMax™
Cleaning and maintenance of the DomiMax
The DomiMax™ is made of stainless steel and should be cleaned thoroughly after each use. Warm water and a suitable cleaning agent such as MEO's InstaClean Spray will effectively remove bacteria and dirt. Stainless steel is a robust and hygienic material that is easy to maintain and guarantees a long product life.
Further details:
Dolce tortura sessuale
Un morsetto per naso, uno strumento di dominazione e dolce tortura sessuale, capace di enfatizzare tutte le sfumature fetish della vostra performance sessuale. Diversamente dalla maggior parte di queste pinze per naso, che offrono pressione attraverso molle, il design innovativo di questo Nose Shackle, consente di regolare la quantità di dolore misto al piacere che si vuole infliggere,su questa zona estremamente sensibile, aumentando o diminuendo la sua stretta, con una semplice rotazione della vite, posta al lato. Questo elegante pressa d'acciaio per naso è in grado di fornire un pizzico brutale di punizione o un sussurro di allettante piacere ad ogni stimolo e allentamento della piccola pressa. Ideato, progettato e realizzato per il naso, questo giocattolo è abbastanza grande anche per essere utilizzato sulle orecchie, sui capezzoli o sui genitali.
Nasenschäkel DeLuxe
Welch nette, kleine Gemeinheit! Der Schäkel ist einfach anzulegen und groß in der Wirkung: so kann man das passive Pendant im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bestens an der Nase herumführen und ein Folgen ist aufgrund der empfindsamen Nasenpartie garantiert: egal ob man diesen nun mit beispielsweise einer Kette verbindet und den Tragenden damit irgendwo parkt, oder als aktive Lenkungshilfe benutzt.
Die Handhabung ist denkbar einfach und auch die Reinigung kann, dank der super Qualität, gründlich erfolgen. Von meiner Seite aus ein perfektes Accesoire. :)
Perfekt für Dominanz-Rollenspiele.
Was Empfindungen angeht ist ja jeder anders... Ich kann davon nur schwärmen. In Verbindung mit einer Leine ist es perfekt für Dominanz-Rollenspiele.
Ultimatives BDSM Accessoire
Einfach spitze die Nasenfessel!! Ausprobieren; können es nur empfehlen! Verarbeitung ist auch perfekt. Jederzeit gerne wieder...
5 stars
Just as expected! One of my favourite bondage items ;)
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